速報APP / 漫畫 / City Ambulance Emergency Rescue

City Ambulance Emergency Rescue





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Royal Grill Street, Farid Town sahiwal

City Ambulance Emergency Rescue(圖1)-速報App

City ambulance emergency rescue operation’s features are all set in its fully compact form and player has a lot of emergency campaigns to perform. There is serious shortage of city ambulance drivers and people are suffering from serious problems if there is any injury with them. Give your real time to meet all requirements of city emergency operation and escort injured citizens toward city emergency hospital in time to save their lives.

Be active city ambulance driver and enter into this emergency situation and rush toward desired position as city emergency rescue driver. Take your own safety at top priority and drive through tricky roads and busy traffic of city ambulance emergency mission in safe and sound manner. Reach troubling positions in time so that injured civilian may reach hospital without any fear of losing their lives at the accidental spots.

Turn on the sirens of your emergency ambulance 2019 so that other drivers may leave traffic lane clear for you. Don’t forget to take all required material with you to tackle city rescue emergency 2019 in convincing and commanding manner. After taking injured patient in your ambulance, show full cares while driving your patient to hospital. Prove your internal and external driving knacks as volunteer emergency driver to become famous.

City Ambulance Emergency Rescue features:

Practical emergency campaign.

Long lists of rescue missions.

City Ambulance Emergency Rescue(圖2)-速報App

Fully developed city atmosphere.

Addictive game play.

Different ambulance models.

Open ended customization in game mode.

Practical training for emergency volunteers.

Cockpit like ambulance interior views.

City Ambulance Emergency Rescue(圖3)-速報App

Button up your seat belt of city emergency ambulance driver 2019 and take emergency patient to city hospital to make them feel proud of your noble services.

City Ambulance Emergency Rescue(圖4)-速報App